Program Schedule


6:30pm Opening Night Reception
7:30pm Screening:  The Apartment (1960)




9:00am Morning Sessions
The Motion Picture Film Lab: “Past, Present and….”
The Academy Digital Source Master: A Future-Proof Deliverable
Burden of 10k Dreams
So Many DETOURs: The Long Road to Restoring a Film Noir Masterpiece
12:45pm Lunch Break
2:00pm Afternoon Sessions
The Art of Subtitling
Case Study – Restoration of the Dunning Color Process
Machine Learning “Frame Compare” Engine for Restoration and Remastering


New York v. New Orleans: The Great Cannoli Showdown!
New York Cannolis and New Orleans Cannolis, plus Italian Desserts from our friends at DJ Audio, Swelltone Labs and Audio Mechanics
7:30pm Screening:  Bicycle Thieves (1948)




 9:00am Morning Sessions
Intertitle Recreation: New and Persnickety Methods
Mold Happens!
The Kinemacolor Digital Restoration
Mass Digitization Challenges and Solutions
12:45pm Lunch Break
 2:00pm Afternoon Sessions
The “Nitrofilm” Project: New Technologies and Practical Solutions for Digitization and Preservation of Optical Sound on Nitrate Films
Understanding the History, Techniques, and Tools of Stereo Film in the 1950s and 60s to Optimize Presentation and Restoration
Preservation Beyond the Final Feature: A Discussion Moderated by Andrea Kalas with Craig Barron and Ben Burtt
7:00pm Coffee and desserts
7:30pm A Sneak Preview of a Classic Sci-Fi Restoration